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Incentivo Qualifica

636 €

Os candidatos que aumentarem o seu nível de qualificações e se fizerem mais de 50% do processo através de um Centro Qualifica recebem o montante de 636,60€.


Fill and submit the form. You will be contacted shortly by Sines Tecnopolo.

I expressly, clearly and unequivocally authorize and consent to the processing of my personal data for registration at the Qualifica Center and for the capture of images that may occur during the process, as well as to receive notifications and information from Sines Tecnopolo.

Thank you for your registration!

You will soon be contacted by Sines Tecnopolo.


What are Qualifica Centers?

Qualifica Centers are structures of the National Qualifications System that play an important role in building bridges between the worlds of education, training and employment, in a perspective of lifelong learning. The national network of Qualifica Centers aims at a more rigorous and demanding performance, namely in the processes of recognition, validation and certification of skills, ensuring the provision of a quality service, in the field of guidance, with a focus on information on school, professional or double certification.


Who is it for?

Adults aged 18 years and over  who are looking for a qualification and,  exceptionally, young people between the ages of 15 and 17, who are not attending education or vocational training and who are not in the labor market.


Intervention Steps


Service and registration. At this stage, you will get to know how the Qualifica Center works.


Identification of education and/or training responses adjusted to their needs and expectations, bearing in mind their life course.

Information and Guidance

Support in the identification of individual education and professional training projects.


Option for a qualifying solution taking into account the previous steps

(Diagnosis, information and guidance).

Recognition and Validation of Competencies

Identification and validation of skills developed throughout life.


Attendance of at least 50 hours of complementary training if forwarded to a process of recognition, validation and certification of competences (RVCC).


Certification of Competencies

Total or partial certification of their skills, taking into account the skills validated and certified in the RVCC process.

A testimony

Maria da Graça Dinis, 62 years old

Completed 12th grade


monday to friday

from 9 am to 10 pm


Sines Technopole

ZIL II, Lot 122-A, 7520-309 Sines

Tel _ 269  000  300

E-mail _

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